
Become a supporter of the Lower Merion Symphony!

To ensure the Lower Merion Symphony’s tradition of providing free concerts, we appreciate your financial gifts. Thank you for supporting the Lower Merion Symphony’s mission.

Impresario (Concert Sponsor)                       $5,000 & above* 
Benefactor                                                          $2,500 – $4,999*
First Chair Society                                            $1,000 – $2,499*
Patron                                                                        $500 – $999
Master                                                                        $250 – $499
Devotee                                                                      $100 – $249
Friend                                                                             $10 – $99

Ask about our planned giving program.

*includes membership to The First Chair Society.

All donations are tax deductible. Lower Merion Symphony is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Please send donations to:

Lower Merion Symphony
204 Clwyd Road
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004

Jeanne Brown
Evergreen Cleaners
Maria & Robert Giampietro
Max & Shirley Hausen
Sarah & George Hatzfeld
Susan & Stanley Lou
Alex Lowy
Judy MacGregor
James McCrudden
Frank Rabadam & Elizabeth Shepard-Rabadam
Emilio & Ida Rende
Steve Salchow
Elizabeth South

* Gift in honor of Mark Gigliotti & Holly Blake
** Bill Norton & Sherman Leis
**Ruth Thornton
*** In memory of Romeo Cascarino and in honor of his wife, Dolores Ferraro Cascarino

(Season sponsor) Barbara Bobbin

Dr. Sherman Leis

First Chair Society
Lawrence Spielvogel
Mary Starr

John & Jeanne Kauffman
Margarete & Robert Marvin
Morgan & Andrew Himelstein
Joseph Myers
Barbara Mitchell & Ruth Thornton
Blake & Mary Ray
Vincent & Mary Salandria

Susan Clayton
Dr. Joseph & Francine Harryhill
George Graham & Suzanne Roth

Cecilia Aaronfreed
Richard Behr **
Marcia Berkowitz
Dorothy Blake*
Joan Chait
Christine Daniels***
Paul & Pnina Feiner
Seth Haaz & Bonnie Rose Schulman
Arnold & Florence Lovitz
Joseph Myers
Stephen Neff
Gabriel & Ellen Spector
Susan Tabas Tepper

Jeanne Brown
Evergreen Cleaners
Maria & Robert Giampietro
Max & Shirley Hausen
Sarah & George Hatzfeld
Susan & Stanley Lou
Alex Lowy
Judy MacGregor
James McCrudden
Frank Rabadam & Elizabeth Shepard-Rabadam
Emilio & Ida Rende
Steve Salchow
Elizabeth South

* Gift in honor of Mark Gigliotti & Holly Blake
** Bill Norton & Sherman Leis
**Ruth Thornton
*** In memory of Romeo Cascarino and in honor of his wife, Dolores Ferraro Cascarino